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*Healing The Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer & Other Chronic Diseases written by Charlotte Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute and daughter of Max Gerson, MD, and Beata Bishop, a recovered Gerson Melanoma patient. This is a complete guide to the theory and practice of the Gerson Therapy developed over 80 years ago by Dr. Max Gerson, MD (1881-1959). It shows that an increasingly denatured, nutritionally empty, toxic, modern diet is the main cause of today’s worsening health crisis. The book offers the solution in the form of a brilliant, precision-built nutritional program that eliminates the underlying causes of disease, leading to lasting cures.
It’s a shame.that a loved one with cancer has to face chemotherapy, radiation, or even surgery without ever knowing there’s a proven alternative therapy out there that has a 65-year record of success with thousands of fully-recovered patients. Learn what these people discovered. Read success story after success story of people just like you seeking information about alternative cancer treatments and found the Gerson Therapy®. All the vital information – when the therapy was discovered, how the therapy works, why your body starts the recovery process so quickly, why liver detoxification is the missing link, success stories, patient testimonials, and much more – has been brought together in this single volume.
The Gerson Therapy has over 80 years of proven success with heart disease, emphysema, drug addiction, alcoholism, psoriasis, arthritis and many more chronic/degenerative diseases and over 60 years of successful cancer treatment. Doctors and the medical establishment have been telling us for years that these often life-threatening diseases are “incurable.” The only way to treat them is with harmful drugs, radiation, or invasive surgery - methods that so often only serve to make the patient's condition worse - or at the very least have serious side effects with consequences as severe as the disease they are designed to treat. No cure for cancer? Then why have thousands of patients on the Gerson Therapy passed the 5-year mark for a “cure?” How is it possible many are still alive and well after receiving treatment more than 50 years ago? Now you can have all the benefits of this therapy in your own home. When you purchase Healing The Gerson Way – Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases you will have at your fingertips all of the life-saving methods used in Gerson clinics around the world for more than 40 years.

*Food Is Your Best Medicine written by Henry Bieler, MD, is a compilation of over fifty years of work treating disease by diet.
Dr. Bieler advocated the treatment of disease with foods. He is widely recognized as a pioneer in alternative medicine who used non-pharmaceutical, diet-based therapies to cure or control various diseases including asthma, diabetes, and cancer.
Bieler believed that the human body has an inherent capacity for health, and that disease can be cured through proper nutrition. He did not believe that germs are the primary cause of disease (see germ theory), but rather that germs accompany disease as a result of disturbed function. Bieler believed that disturbed function was the result of poor lifestyle, especially consuming improper food, and that disease could be cured through therapeutic diet.
Dr. Bieler was often at odds with the American Medical Association because he believed that drugs are harmful and advised his patients to avoid them.

*Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management by Bernard Jensen, D.C, Nutritionist

*Colon Health: the Key to a Vibrant Life (1979) by Dr. Norman Walker

*Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices: What's Missing in Your Body? (1978) by Dr. Norman Walker

*Water Can Undermine Your Health (1974) by Dr. Norman Walker

*Nutrition & Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price, D.D.S.

*Whole Body Dentistry by Mark Breiner, D.D.S

*Fasting & Eating For Health by Joel Fuhrman, MD

*Gut Solutions by Brenda Watson, ND & Leonard Smith, MD (Gastroenterologist)

*The China Study (2005) by T. Colin Campbell, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, and his son Thomas M. Campbell II, a physician. It examines the relationship between the consumption of animal products and a variety of chronic illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancers of the breast, prostate and bowel. The book is one of America's best-selling books about nutrition. The China Study of the title is taken from the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, a 20-year study that began in 1983 and was conducted jointly by the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Cornell University, and the University of Oxford. T. Colin Campbell was one of the directors of the project, described by The New York Times in 1990 as "the Grand Prix of epidemiology".
The study examined mortality rates from 48 forms of cancer and other chronic diseases from 1973-75 in 65 counties in China, and correlated them with 1983-84 dietary surveys and bloodwork from 6,500 people, 100 from each county. It concluded that counties with a high consumption of animal-based foods in 1983–84 were more likely to have had higher death rates from "Western" diseases as of 1973-75, while the opposite was true for counties that ate more plant foods in 1983-84. The study was conducted in those counties because they had genetically similar populations that tended, over generations, to live in the same way in the same place, and eat diets specific to those regions.
The authors conclude that people who eat a plant-based/vegan diet—avoiding animal products such as beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk, and reducing their intake of processed foods and refined carbohydrates—will escape, reduce or reverse the development of chronic diseases. They also recommend adequate amounts of sunshine to maintain sufficient levels of vitamin D, and supplements of vitamin B12 in case of complete avoidance of animal products. They criticize low-carb diets, such as the Atkins diet, which include restrictions on the percentage of calories derived from complex carbohydrates.

Recommended Videos

Recommended Videos

*The Beautiful Truth -  A 15 year old boy reads Dr. Max Gerson's book and investigates the merits of the Gerson Therapy... whether or not it is a legitimate, alternative cure for cancer.  After numerous interviews with doctors, skeptics, members of Gerson's family and cancer patients, it became abundantly clear that a cure for virtually all cancers and chronic diseases does exist - and it has existed for over 80 years.  92 minutes

*What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Cancer This 72-minute Documentary, hosted by Eddie Albert, exposes the conflicts of interests within major medical institutions that have led to the failed war on cancer. Testimonials by patients using conventional and unconventional therapies are included. The film shows how most cancers can be prevented through nutrition, supplements and other precautions. What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Cancer is dedicated to Lily Heftmann, a Los Angeles artist and teacher, who died from cancer 6 years ago not knowing her treatment options.

*Forks Over Knives - An American documentary that examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. The major storyline in the film traces the personal journeys of a pair of pioneering yet under-appreciated researchers, Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.
Dr. Campbell, a nutritional scientist at Cornell University, was concerned in the late 1960’s with producing “high quality” animal protein to bring to the poor and malnourished areas of the third world. While in the Philippines, he made a life-changing discovery: the country’s wealthier children, who were consuming relatively high amounts of animal-based foods, were much more likely to get liver cancer. Dr. Esselstyn, a top surgeon and head of the Breast Cancer Task Force at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, found that many of the diseases he routinely treated were virtually unknown in parts of the world where animal-based foods were rarely consumed.
These discoveries inspired Campbell and Esselstyn, who didn’t know each other yet, to conduct several groundbreaking studies. One of them took place in China and is still among the most comprehensive health-related investigations ever undertaken. Their research led them to a starling conclusion: degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several forms of cancer, could almost always be prevented—and in many cases reversed—by adopting a whole-foods, plant-based diet. Despite the profound implications of their findings, their work has remained relatively unknown to the public.
The filmmakers travel with Drs. Campbell and Esselstyn on their separate but similar paths, from their childhood farms where they both produced “nature’s perfect food”; to China and Cleveland, where they explored ideas that challenged the established thinking and shook their own core beliefs.
The idea of food as medicine is put to the test. Throughout the film, cameras follow “reality patients” who have chronic conditions from heart disease to diabetes. Doctors teach these patients how to adopt a whole-foods, plant-based diet as the primary approach to treat their ailments—while the challenges and triumphs of their journeys are revealed.

*Food Inc. -  An American documentary film directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Robert Kenner. The film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees.
The film's first segment examines the industrial production of meat (chicken, beef, and pork), calling it inhumane and economically and environmentally unsustainable. The second segment looks at the industrial production of grains and vegetables (primarily corn and soy beans), again labeling this economically and environmentally unsustainable. The film's third and final segment is about the economic and legal power, such as food labelling regulations of the major food companies, the profits of which are based on supplying cheap but contaminated food, the heavy use of petroleum-based chemicals (largely pesticides and fertilizers), and the promotion of unhealthy food consumption habits by the American public. It shows companies like Wal-Mart transitioning towards organic foods as that industry is booming in the recent health movement.

*Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead  -  An American documentary film which follows the 60-day journey of Australian Joe Cross across the United States as he follows a juice fast to regain his health under the care of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Nutrition Research Foundation's Director of Research. Following his fast and the adoption of a plant-based diet, Cross lost 100 pounds and discontinued all medications.
During his road-trip Cross meets Phil Staples, a morbidly obese truck driver from Sheldon, Iowa, in a truck stop in Arizona and inspires him to try juice fasting.

*Food Matters - A documentary film about nutrition, exploring malnutrition and cancer causes. The film is presented in the style of a documentary, containing interviews, animations, and footage of various therapies and practices. The film presents the thesis that a selective diet can play a key role in treating a range of health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and depression, often without the need of medical treatment. Furthermore, it tends to label the medical industry as a "sickness industry", which profits more from treating the symptoms of illness than curing the illness. The film accuses the medical and pharmaceutical industries of a general conspiracy to perpetuate poor health in order to maximize profits.

*Super Size Me  -  An American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003 during which he ate only McDonald's food.  The film documents this lifestyle's drastic effect on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being, and explores the fast food industry's corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit.
As the film begins, Spurlock is in physically above average shape according to his personal trainer. He is seen by three physicians (a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, and a general practitioner), as well as a nutritionist and a personal trainer. All of the health professionals predict the "McDiet" will have unwelcome effects on his body, but none expected anything too drastic, one citing the human body as being "extremely adaptable." Prior to the experiment, Spurlock ate a varied diet but always had vegan evening meals to appease his then-girlfriend, Alexandra, a vegan chef. At the beginning of the experiment, Spurlock, who stood 6 feet 2 inches tall & a body weight of 185.5 lbs.

*Dr. Russell Blaylock - EXCITOTOXINS: The Taste That Kills - 1 hour 6 minutes. Click here to watch.
Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon & author of the book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, gives a lecture on compounds such as MSG, aspartame, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, natural flavors, etc...are being added to almost all processed foods. There is a substantial amount of evidence that play a critical role in the development of severe neurological disorders.

*Vaccines: What the Government Research Says - 5 minutes.  This was taken sown so you have to search for it on the internet.

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